Important Documents For Admission (2024 - 2025)
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Employability Development Cell

Employability Development cell (EDC): Students in a B School shall be prepared for quality placements. IIMR focuses on Grade A or big brand recruiters to be invited for campus placements. This endeavor needs student’s higher employability skills. The Employability Development program at IIMR aims at developing the skills required to secure such campus placements. This program has following objectives:-

  • To develop language skills, oral and written, personal abilities, Current Affairs, quantitative aptitude and career focus.
  • To regularly assess the profile of the students and publish it for students’ understanding. This shall be termed as integrated profile of students.
  • EDC evaluation

  • The EDC faculties will conduct sessions with prior intimation to students. The sessions will be taken on various parameters through respective activities as exhibited below:-
    • Parameters
    • Sub Parameters
      Language Skills




    • Business Correspondence Purchase Related Correspondence
    • Sales Related Correspondence
      Accounts Related Correspondence
      Admin Related Correspondence
      Inter Departmental Correspondence
      Miscellaneous Correspondence

    • Oral Communication Skills
    • Attention in listening

      Comprehension in listening

      Clarity of expression

      Confidence during expression

      Sequencing of thoughts in expressions

      Usage of logics & data in expressions

      Level Audience Involvement

      Effectiveness of Presentation style

      Quality of Ascents

      Appropriateness of Body language

    • Personal Abilities
    • Level of Grooming sense

      Attitude for initiative
      Readiness for accepting challenges
      Self confidence

      Ability to work in Stress

      Quality of Leadership skill

      Self Motivation: Exercise / discussions
      Commitment level


      Self discipline

      Level of Mannerism

      Group Handling Skills
      Problem solving skills

      Time management skills

      Relationship skills

    • Current Affairs
    • Knowledge of Current economic affairs

      Knowledge of current political affairs

      Knowledge of current scientific affairs

      Knowledge of current social, cultural and literary affairs

      Knowledge of current sports affairs

      Reading of news papers and magazines

      General book reading

      Exposure to TV for news & business

    • Quantitative Aptitude
    • Logical reasoning ability

      Mathematical ability

    • IT Skills MS Word
    • MS Excel
      MS Power Point
      MS Access
      Social Media
      Internet Browsing
      Industry Specific Software

    • Functional Suitability
    • Marketing

    • Interest Area
    • Industry Chaise
    • Strengths
    • Weaknesses
    • Achievement
  • Based on above parameter later students will have go through the evaluation process for that one of the EDC faculty as designated by the Principal shall assume responsibility of compiling students assessment in soft as well as hard copy.
  • A student getting more than 90 % points shall be considered as excellent, 75% to 89% as above average. 60% to 74% as average and below 60% shall be considered as poor and shall get A,B,C and D grades respectively. Further mentoring will be done for the students getting lower Grades
  • The performance of students will gradually increase in every next assessment.