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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Degree Awarded Discipline Duration Entry Level Seats in IIST
B.Tech AI & ML 4 years 10+2 60

About the Course


Indore Institute of Science and Technology (IIST) offers a four-year under-graduate B. Tech course in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning which aims to develop a strong foundation by using the principles and technologies that consist of many facets of Artificial Intelligence including logic, knowledge representation, probabilistic models, and machine learning. This course is best suited for students seeking to build world-class expertise in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and emerging technologies which help to stand in the crowd and grow careers in the upcoming technological era.

B. Tech. in Artificial Intelligence is an undergraduate program with advanced learning solutions imparting knowledge of advanced innovations like machine learning, often called deep learning and artificial intelligence.

The course is designed to give the students enough exposure to the variety of applications that can be built using techniques covered under this program. They shall be able to apply AI/ML methods, techniques and tools to the applications. The students shall explore the practical components of developing AI apps and platforms. Proficiency in mathematics will thrive, as this degree requires strong problem-solving and analytical skills. They shall be able to acquire the ability to design intelligent solutions for various business problems in a variety of domains and business applications. The students shall be exploring fields such as neural networks, natural language processing, robotics, deep learning, computer vision, reasoning and problem-solving. The key objective is to identify logic and reasoning methods from a computational perspective, learn about agent, search, probabilistic models, perception and cognition, and machine learning.

This specialization is designed to enable students to build intelligent machines, software, or applications with a cutting-edge combination of machine learning, analytics and visualization technologies. The main goal of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning is to program computers to use example data or experience to solve a given problem. Many successful applications based on machine learning exist already, including systems that analyze past sales data to predict customer behavior (financial management), recognize faces or spoken speech, optimize robot behavior so that a task can be completed using minimum resources, and extract knowledge from bioinformatics data.

This program discusses AI methods based in different fields, including neural networks, signal processing, control, and data mining, in order to present a unified treatment of machine learning problems and solutions.


  • To develop professionals who are skilled in the area of Artificial Intelligence andMachine Learning.
  • To impart quality and value based education and contribute towards the innovation ofcomputing, expert system, Data Science to raise satisfaction level of all stakeholders.
  • Our effort is to apply new advancements in high performance computing hardware andsoftware.

The Program Educational Objectives of the Artificial Intelligence and Machine LearningUndergraduate program are designed to produce knowledgeable Machine Learning engineerswho are ready to contribute effectively to the advancement of Intelligent Computing systems.The graduates shall:

  • PEO1: Apply analysis, predictions, optimization, decision making and develop skills inorder to formulate and solve complex intelligent computing and multidisciplinaryproblems.


  • PEO2: Take up higher studies, research & development and other creative efforts in thearea of Machine Learning.



  • PEO3: Use their skills in an ethical & professional manner to raise the satisfaction levelof stakeholders.
  • .PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals for the solution of AIML problems.
  • ·PO2: Problem analysis: Ability to identify, formulate and analyze complex engineerin gproblems.
  • ·PO3: Design/development of solutions: Ability to design and develop AIML based systems to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as public health and safety,environmental, agriculture, economic and societal considerations.
  • ·PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Ability to demonstrate with excellent programming, analytical, logical and problem solving skills.
  • ·PO5: Modern tool usage: Ability to use the emerging technologies, skills, and modern software tools to design, develop, test and debug the programs or software.
  • ·PO6: The engineer and society: Ability to include and solve the social, cultural, ethical issues with AIML solutions.
  • ·PO7: Environment and sustainability: Ability to design and develop web based solutions with effective graphical user interface for the need of sustainable development.
  • ·PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the AIML practices.
  • ·PO9: Individual and team work: Ability to work individually and as a member or leader in diverse teams to accomplish a common goal.
  • ·PO10: Communication: Ability to communicate effectively in both verbal and written forms with the engineering community and society.
  • ·PO11: Project management and finance: Knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team to manage the software and AIML based projects in multidisciplinary environments.
  • ·PO12: Life-long learning: Appreciation of technological change and the need for independent life-long learning.
  • PSO1: Apply the skills in the areas of Health Care, Education, Agriculture, Intelligent Transport, Environment, Smart Systems & in the multidisciplinary area of ArtificialIntelligence and Machine Learning.
  • PSO2: Demonstrate engineering practice learned through industry internship to solve real world AI  problems in various domains.
  • PSO3: The ability to apply the fundamentals of AI and ML in competitive research and to develop innovative products to meet societal needs thereby evolving as an eminent researcher and entrepreneur.
Univ. Subject Code Subject Name CO Description
BT-201 Engineering Physics The Coursework is designed to provide students the opportunity to learn key concepts of Wave nature of particles and the Schrodinger equation.
Student will able to understand the knowledge of Wave optics i.e. interference and diffraction.
To introduce the idea of solids like semiconductors (P type and N Type semiconductors), Diodes and Hall effect. STudents will also be able to understand the basic concept of superconductivity.
To develop the understanding of Lasers, fiber optics and their applications in field of engineering sciences.
To provide you to basic understanding of Electrostatics in vacuum.
BT-102 Mathematics-I To introduce the fallouts of Rolle’s Theorem that is fundamental to application of analysis to Engineering problems.
To introduce the idea of applying differential and integral calculus to notions of curvature and to improper integrals. Apart from some applications it gives a basic introduction on Beta and Gamma function
To develop the tool of power series and Fourier series for learning advanced Engineering Mathematics.
To familiarize the student with functions of several variables that is essential in most branches of engineering
To develop the essential tool of matrices and linear algebra in a comprehensive manner.
BT-203 Basic Mechanical Engineering Understand the properties of material, stress strain. Properties of alloys and cast iron.
Understand the concept measurement and machine tools their operations and their applications.
Understand the concept of fluid flow , properties of fluid, Bernoulli’s equation, Pascal’s law.
To Understand the concept of heat and temperature, law of thermodynamics, boilers and their mountings and accessories, basic Refrigeration cycles and its applications.
To Understand the working of different cycles and 4 strokes, 2 stroke engines and their applications.
BT-204 Basic Civil Engineering & Mechanics Students will acquire the basic knowledge in different fields of civil engineering and materials used in construction.
Gain the ability to use modern survey equipment to measure angles and distances.
Students will understand the basic of contour lines and map
Students will have the ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems related to Engineering Mechanics: Statics
Students will be able to analyse beam for shear force and bending moment.
BT-205 Basic Computer Engineering Able to understand the basic applications of computers in various fields, describe operating system, its role and functionalities and to apply concepts of MS word, MS power point, MS Excelefficiently.
Discuss and apply simple algorithms for arithmetic and logical problems.
Translate the algorithms to programs applyingobject-oriented concepts in C++ programming language.
Understand basics of computer networks, OSI layers and protocols, E commerce applications, impact of securitythreats and attacks on networking systems and also security measures
Understand the different method for representing and processing data and to get awareness about the impact of cloud computing, its various type of services.
BT-206 Language Lab & Seminars learners to develop good listening skills.
Encourages learner to talk freely and lose their shyness when talking in front of the people
To develop the overall personality of the students by the practical activities
Helps in confidence building, motivation to be more presentable and help in removing the stage fright
Develops speaking, writing, reading, listening and presentation skills.
BT-101 Engineering Chemistry Differentiate hard and soft water; solve the related numerical problems on water purification and its significance in industry and daily life.
Select the lubricant for various purposes based on the type of
Equipped with basic knowledge of polymer , methods of
polymerization and various industrial applications of polymers
Draw the Phase diagrams of one & two component systems and causes, consequences and methods to minimize corrosion to improve industrial designs.
Identify the structure of unknown/new compounds with the help of spectroscopy and understand periodic properties such as ionization potential, oxidation states and electro negativity
BT-202 Mathematics-II To introduce effective mathematical tools for the solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations that model physical processes.
To introduce the tools of differentiation and integration of functions of complex variable those are used in various techniques dealing engineering problems.
To acquaint the student with mathematical tools available in vector calculus needed various field of science and engineering.
BT-103 English for Communication Effective use of verbal and non-verbal communication for enhanced soft skill beside enhanced reading comprehension as well
Write the different kinds of letters, reports and technical writing.
Apply basic rules of grammar in both written as well as oral communication.
BT-104 Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering To introduce the concept of Basics of DC electrical Network including network theorems.
To introduce the concept of Basics of AC electrical Network(single phase & 3 phase)..
To study of law of Electromagnetism, introduction of transformer.
To study of various electrical Machines.
To study Basic Concept Digital Electronics.
BT-105 Engineering Graphics Draw various types of scales, and curves.
Draw orthographic projections of points & lines
Draw orthographic projections of Planes & Solids
Draw sections and development of solids including cylinders, cones, prisms and pyramids.
Draw isometric views of Planes and Solids, Drawing using AUTOCAD.
BT-106 Manufacturing Practices Use hand and power tools for different manufacturing processes
Operate machine tools while preparing any component
Select the appropriate tools required for specific operation.
Comprehend the safety measures required to be taken while using the tools.
Prepare Foundry, Fitting, Carpentry, Welding and smithy Job.
BT-107 Internship-I (60 Hrs Duration) at the Institute level Demonstrate the application of knowledge and skill sets acquired from the course and workplace in the assigned job function/s
Solve real life challenges in the workplace by analysing work environment and conditions, and selecting appropriate skill sets acquired from the course
Exhibit critical thinking and problem solving skills by analysing underlying issue/s to challenges
Demonstrate appreciation and respect for diverse groups of professionals by engaging harmoniously with different company stakeholders
Exhibit professional ethics by displaying positive disposition during internship
BT-108 Swachh Bharat Summer Internship Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (100Hrs)/ Rural Outreach This course is to sensitize students about the socio-cultural aspects of the rural areas parochial to their colleges.
Students are expected to observe, investigate and learn about the following aspects of the rural region: i. Demographics, Literacy, Geographical parameters of the Village; ii. Schemes of government of India and State of Madhya Pradesh in operation in the villages.
To enhance critical thinking by making them participate in social activities and imbibe human values among them.
Rural Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is to promote cleanliness and develop healthy habits in people in villages.
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan: To build an understanding of the development agenda within institutes of Higher Education and an institutional capacity and training relevant to national needs, especially those of rural India.
AI301 AI 301
Technical Communication
Acquisition of technical communication’s generic aspects like Reading Technical Material, Technical Writing, Listening, Thinking and using technical phrases in spoken, Knowing the parts of a technical documents  like screenshots, graphs, tabular data, data analysis, pictorial depiction.
Getting adapted with the technical generic formats/templates of technical writing of memos, technical report writing, technical presentations, technical proposal writing, minutes of meeting and the notes taking techniques.
Accessing the reading material and developing the writing technical material with the use of technical concepts and tools like Vacaroo, Miscrosoft Visio, Notepad ++, Kinemaster, Powtoon, Split Page Technique, Diagram Technique.
Learning the skill of proofreading and copy editing, paraphrasing and spinning using technical tools and manually using the knowledge of advance technical grammar.
Learning the technical phrases and writing styles like descriptive, argumentative etc for developing good technical documents for presentations or disseminating technical documents.
AI 302 AI 302 (Probability and Statistics) Upon completion of  the course, the student will be able to:                                                                      Apply the basic counting techniques (multiplication rule, combinations, permutations) to compute probability and work with discrete random variables and demonstrate understanding what expectation, variance, covariance and correlation mean and be able to compute and interpret them.
Understand the properties and applications of some standard bivariate and continuous  probability distributions for both discrete and continuous random variables.
Explain the concept of order statistics and solving problems related to it also will be using Binomial, Poisson, and Normal distributions to solve statistical problems.
Use scatter plots to visualize the relationship between two variables and apply the least square errors method numerically and algebraically to find the curve of best fit also will be having Knowledge about formulating and testing a hypothesis, using critical values to draw conclusions and determining probability of making errors in hypothesis tests.
 Get an idea of order statistics with its applications. Also about small sample tests based on Chi-square, t and F distributions to understand and analyze various methods of Non-parametric tests
AI 303 AI 303
Data Structure
To understand the concept of linear, non-linear data structures, the operations performed on them and the applications of various data structures.
Understand the arrays, searching and sorting algorithms.
Implement stacks, queues and its applications.
Implement linked list and its variations.
Solve problem involving graphs, trees and heaps.
AI 304 AI 304
Demonstrate fundamental understanding of the history of artificial intelligence (AI) and its foundations
Apply basic principles of AI in solutions that require problem solving, inference, perception, knowledge representation, and learning
Demonstrate an ability to share in discussions of AI, its current scope and limitations, and societal implications of applications like NLP
Demonstrate profciency in applying  method for forward and backward reasoning.
Demonstrate awareness and a fundamental understanding of various applications of AI techniques in intelligent agents, expert systems, artificial neural networks and other machine learning models
AI 305 AI 305
Describe the procedural and object oriented paradigm with concepts of streams, classes, functions, data and objects.
Understand dynamic memory management techniques using pointers, constructors, destructors etc.
Describe the concept of function overloading, operator overloading, virtual functions and polymorphism.
Understand how to apply the major object-oriented concepts to implement object oriented programs in C++, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.
Classify inheritance with the understanding of early and late binding, usage of exception handling, generic programming.

To achieve excellent standards of quality-education by using the latest tools, nurturingcollaborative culture and disseminating customer oriented innovations to relevant areas of academia and industry towards serving the greater cause of society.



Semester SIG’s on Description Outcome (Certificate/ Project etc)
I Sem Logic Building & Basic Programming using C language Able to Solve Programming Problems easy to average level Preparation for earning Certificate
II Sem Programming Basics using C/C++ Language Able to Solve Programming Problems  average to hard level Earn Certificate
III Sem Data Structures ALGOLUTION: Foundation of Data Structures and Algorithms Able to Understand and Apply Data Structure Concept Preparation for competitive Programming
PYTHON OOP Concept helpful for Placements and implementation of branch specific utility Earn Certificate
IV Sem Data Structures Algolution – Algorithmic Pinnacle – Navigating Complexity: Able to Understand and Apply Data Structure Concept Preparation for competitive Programming
Core JAVA Able to Work with Frame Work Earn Certificate
V Sem Algorithm Design Algolution – Evolution of Coding through Algorithms Algorithm design & Application of DS CODE VITA
PYTHON + Machine Learning Project End to end machine learning project development Project
VI Sem SQL Database Handling (Short Term SIG) Project
Competitive Coding Algorithm design & Application of DS CODE VITA
ML-2 Specialization/certification (Short Term SIG) Project
VII Sem Skill up Crash Course for Placements Brushing up all the important subjects for Placements including Apti Placement Preparation Specific and General
Spring, Hibernate MEAN or MERN Stack, MOOC Course : EDX, COURSERA, NPTEL Sharping and Specialization in at least one domain Placement Preparation Specific and General
VIII Sem Skill up Crash Course for Placements Brushing up all the important subjects for Placements including Apti Placement Preparation Specific and General
MOOC Courses Sharping and Specialization in at least one domain Earn Placement and certification
SIG 2022- 2023
S. No. Title SIG / Club / Students Chapter / ETC Type Date Output / Outcome Impact / Goal
1 Logic Building & Basic Programming using C language Programming SIG Workshop cum Training Beginning of II Semester Prepration for earning Certificate Helpful for clearing Campus Technical MCQ’s
2 Programming Basics using C/C++ Language Programming SIG Workshop cum Training During II Semester Earn Certificate Will learn to understand Problem Statement & Solving approach will be helpful in Solving Campus Technical coding & MCQ’s o
3 Object Oriented Concept using JAVA Programming SIG Workshop cum Training During III Semester Earn Certificate OOP Concept helpful for Placements and inplementation of Data Structure
4 Data Structures ALGOLUTION: Foundation of Data Structures and Algorithms Algorithm SIG Workshop cum Training During III Semester Prepration for competetive Programming Data Structure Concept for Placements and Competetive Programing
5 PYTHON Programming SIG Workshop cum Training During III Semester Earn Certificate OOP Concept helpful for Placements and inplementation of branch specific utility
6 Advance JAVA Programming SIG Workshop cum Training During IV Semester Mini Project using UI Enhances Resume
7 Core JAVA Programming SIG Workshop cum Training During IV Semester Earn Certificate OOP Concept helpful for Placements and inplementation of Data Structure
8 Data Structures Algolution – Algorithmic Pinnacle – Navigating Complexity: Algorithm SIG Workshop cum Training During IV Semester Prepration for competetive Programming Data Structure Concept for Placements and Competetive Programing
9 Algorithm Design Algolution – Evolution of Coding through Algorithms Algorithm SIG Workshop cum Training During V Semester CODE VITA Competetive Programming
10 JAVA FULL STACK with web development + project (Including HTML, CSS, XML and SQL) Software Development SIG Workshop During V Semester Project Successful Project
11 PYTHON + Machine Learning Project Machine learning SIG Internship cum Training During V Semester Project Successful Project
12 AWS (CCP) Cloud SIG Certification course Beginning of VI Semester CCP CERTIFICATION Industry Demand, these skills make student industry ready
13 CISCO Networking SIG Certification course Beginning of VI Semester CCNA CERTIFICATION
14 ML-2 Machine learning SIG Workshop cum Training Beginning of VI Semester Project
15 SQL Data base SIG Training cum internship Beginning of VI Semester Project Getting an overview of flow for developing any project
16 Competitive Coding Coding SIG Workshop cum Training During VI Semester CODE VITA Competetive Programming
17 Skill up Crash Course for Placements Placement preparation Training During VII / VIII Semester Placement Prepration Specific and General Earn Placement
18 Spring, Hibernate MEAN or MERN Stack, MOOC Course : EDX, COURSERA, NPTEL Placement preparation Training During VII / VIII Semester Placement Prepration in specific domain Earn Placement
19 Skill up Crash Course for Placements Placement preparation Training During VII / VIII Semester Placement Prepration Specific and General Earn Placement
20 MOOC Course Placement preparation Certification course During VII / VIII Semester Placement Prepration Specific and General Earn Placement


  • One of the top colleges in Indore which offers best in class B. Tech Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Builds a solid foundation in advanced technologies of machine learning through industry oriented curriculum
  • Hands-on with industry projects and regular sessions by industry experts
  • Gain expertise in advanced topics such as robotics, machine learning, deep learning, pattern recognition, computer vision, cognitive computing, human-computer interaction etc

Artificial Intelligence presents a solid foundation in the principles and technologies that underlie many facets of AI, including logic, knowledge representation, probabilistic models, and machine learning. It teaches you to

  • Examine logic and reasoning methods from a computational perspective
  • Learn about agent, search, probabilistic models, perception and cognition, and machine learning
  • Learn about state of the art technologies like Deep learning, Human Computer Interaction and Augmented Reality.


Duration of Program: 4 years (8 Semesters)
Area of study in AIML


  • Data Modeling Predictive Analytics
  • Data Mining
  • Master Data Management
  • OLAP Models
  • Data Warehousing
  • Programming
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Visualization
  • Deep Learning
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Augmented Reality
  • Software Engineering
  • Linear Algebra
  • Cognitive science theory


Job profiles in AIML


  • Business Intelligence Developer
  • Computern Vision Engineers
  • Research Scientists
  • Machine Learning Engineers
  • Algorithm Specialist
  • Data Scientists


Prominent industries that apply AIML


  • Cyber Security
  • Manufacturing
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Fashion
  • Construction
  • Cloud Hosting

ICT Support For Learning

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning is an emerging field which grows and changes very frequently. Fields like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security etc. are growing exponentially. With this exponential growth in the recent years, there has been a steadily increasing demand for bright graduates to come in and help to transform areas ranging from data infrastructure to cyber security. 

Self-learning is motivated in these special interest groups of the department. Various resources related to student interest are provided in the SIG labs. This learning is mentor by faculties and senior students to provide them an opportunity to work in team.

We provide certified skill courses on latest research areas and technologies through our special interest groups (SIG’s)

1. SIG- Artificial Intelligence: The overall purpose of artificial intelligence SIG is to apply different algorithms on raw data so as to allow computers and machines to function in an intelligent manner efficiently. And to evaluate and analyse the patterns of the data. Under this SIG, Students will get chance to implement these algorithm and create artificially intelligence systems.

2. SIG- Augmented and Virtual Reality: The purpose of VR/AR SIG is to understand artificial environment that is created with software for user perception and also to understand how AR works with real world image with extra layers of digital information and to gain better understanding of its wide range of applications.

3. SIG- iOS: Purpose of iOS SIG is to make students develop iOS Applications. With the amount of iPhones in the market, the need for iOS Apps also increases therefore this is the right platform for Students who want to build their career in Mobile app development as individual with their Creative ideas.

Pic: iOS

4. SIG- Database Management System: The purpose of DBMS SIG is to learn and practice software tools that organizes data that is to create, retrieve, update and manage data, in systematic way. Under this SIG trainings will be provided on software technologies like SQL, MySQL, Oracle Databases, NoSQL, MongoDB etc.  


5. SIG- Android: Purpose of Android SIG is to make students understand Android App Development. In this SIG, students will learn the fundamentals of Kotlin, Google’s preferred programming language for Android and build interesting applications.  Under this SIG training will be provided which will cover the Android components, tools and technologies like multi-screen Navigation, Android Studio, Intents, Fragments, Widgets, Layout and Ionic to build modern applications.  

Pic: Android

6. SIG- Internet of Things: The purpose is to train students for industry-level projects on IoT by: Organizing workshops/seminars/training/weekend activities for the students. IoT SIG facilitates with all the required equipments for practicising on different modules. These SIG Modules will help students to solve real-world problems and will encourage them to participate in various competitions across the country.

Pic: IOT

7. SIG- Hardware and Networking: Primary objective of this SIG is to build networking skill and creating a bridge to employment opportunities. Here the students are trained for international certifications like Microsoft, Cisco and Red Hat certifications. Students will learn hardware and operating systems for computer networks and train to upgrade troubleshoot and administer the system which will help them prepare for high-paying jobs. PC hardware/software installation, Networking technologies & concepts, Network administration, Cabling, Cisco router and switch configurations are the key skills focused in this SIG. 

Pic: Hardware & Networking

8. SIG- Data Analytics: The major purpose of Data Analytics SIG is to extract useful information from data and taking the decision based upon the data analysis or in simple words to create best out of waste. Here the students are trained to analyse different-different type of dataset and though that understand the pattern of informations that can be derived through that data. Hadoop, R and Python are some technologies which can be used to implement analytics. 

Pic: Data Analytics

9. SIG- Cloud Computing: Cloud Computing curriculum prepare the students to pursue industry recognized certifications (AWS), and in-demand cloud jobs. In CC SIG, we train students by organizing workshops/seminars/internship. This helps learners explore cloud concepts, use cloud services, handling of security issues, and understand the architecture etc. 

10. SIG- Web Development: Web development can range from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex web-based internet applications (web apps), electronic businesses, and social network services. Web Development SIG gives an opportunity to the students to enhance their skill for web development platform. 

Pic: Web Development

Department of CSE , IT & AIML is proud to be associated with Developer Student Clubs (DSC) with the selection of DSC lead from IIST. The DSC will conduct in-house training activities for the students to enable them to develop solutions for the local businesses.

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IIST is proud to announce that we have been accepted into the AWS Academy program with Amazon Internet Services Private Limited (“AISPL”) and we are now authorized to administer and deliver the AWS Academy Cloud Computing Architecture curriculum.

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Institute Instead Of Department Of CSE has signed an MoU with RedHat Academy to conduct in-house training on Core System Administration, Middleware Development, Cloud Computing along with Internships in live projects & certification.

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  • Cyber Security
  • Manufacturing
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Fashion
  • Construction
  • Cloud Hosting

Message From Head Of Department

Dr. Shweta Agrawal

Professor & HoD

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Email id: [email protected]


Welcome to the Department of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AIML) at Indore Institute of Science and Technology, Indore

The Department of AIML at IIST is strongly committed to impart innovative and quality technical education with high standards at the undergraduate level. The faculty and non-teaching staff of the department are committed to preparing our students by providing the expertise and proficiency in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and its related fields needed to thrive in our modern society.

The AIML in the 21st century is the skill of the century. It has had a tremendous impact on human civilization. The artificial intelligence and in general the intelligent systems have changed how we work, how we communicate, how we teach and learn, how we entertain, and so forth. AI and ML has become a fundamental tool for augmenting the human knowledge, which is an essential part of creation, discovery, and innovation.

The main goal of the department is to provide experiential learning opportunities such as hands-on training, project-based courses, research projects, and internships which provide a solid foundation to work in interdisciplinary teams that invent the future for which the department covers a wide spectrum of research in the areas of Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Big-Data Analytics, and Computer Security led by qualified and experienced team of faculty members.

In addition to state-of-the-art curriculum, more emphasis is placed on enriching the students learning experience by providing value-added courses, skill-development programs, and participate in technical competitions, hackathons at all levels including state, national and international platforms.

The students, faculty, and staff of AIML at IIST, we believe in working together, we encourage each other, we help each other, and, most importantly, we believe in each other. This is the key to make our students success at AIML at IIST, Indore Hence, to bring the success of the department we focus on productive interdisciplinary collaborations to work across a diverse set of projects, laboratories, departments, and industry partners.

I am confident that the Department of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning at IIST is strongly prepared to face the new exciting challenges in this new digital era and also to be one of the best institutions in the State of Madhya Pradesh and in India.


“Value Proposition Fit” & “Business Fit”

AIML department organized Online Session on “Value Proposition Fit” & “Business Fit” for CSE and allied branch students. The Training has been taken by Dr. Satya Vardhan Tiwari. He motivated students to believe in their own potential to reach their destination.   This lecture was very beneficial for students looking towards the industry point of view and to make decision about their career prospect in marketing and startups.

World Entrepreneurship Day

An Expert Lecture on Entrepreneurship was organized on World Entrepreneurship Day. Resource person for the same was Mr. Sameer Sharma. In his address; he delves into the key principles and practices essential for aspiring entrepreneurs. He emphasizes the importance of innovation, resilience, and adaptability in the dynamic landscape of business. Expert highlights the significance of identifying market opportunities, creating value for customers, and building a strong brand presence. Throughout the lecture, he shared insights from his own entrepreneurial journey, illustrating the challenges and triumphs he encountered along the way. Moreover, he emphasizes the significance of effective communication and networking skills in building meaningful relationships with stakeholders, investors, and customers.

Comprehensive Data Analysis & Ml with python

A training on Comprehensive Data Analysis & ML with Python was organized for AIML students. The resource person for the same was Mr. Shivang Trivedi. This training provided a comprehensive understanding of the powerful data analysis and manipulation capabilities of the Pandas library in Python, as well as the fundamental concepts and techniques of linear regression, one of the most widely used machine learning models. Students also learned how to use the Pandas library to prepare, clean, and analyze data, as well as how to use machine learning models such as linear regression to make predictions and interpret data insights. This Training was very beneficial for students looking towards the industry point of view and to make decision about their career prospect in AI product development.

Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning department organized Expert Lecture on “Entrepreneurship & Innovation” on occasion of Engineer’s day. The expert for the same was Dr. Rishi Dubey. During his address the expert focused on what is Entrepreneurship & Innovation, why it is important. During his address expert highlighted on the fact that Innovation is often the key to success in entrepreneurship.


Training on “ALGOLUTION: Evolution of coding through Algorithm” for 45 hours was conducted for second year students. The trainer for the same was Mr. Ankush Saklecha. He gave training on ‘Evolution of coding through Algorithm using C language’ from scratch and he explained various concepts related with Data Structure and Algorithm. The main purpose of this training was to enable students to get detailed insights of logical problems of DSA with hands-on.

Cyber Security Awareness

An expert session on Cyber Security Awareness was organized for the students of second year. Speaker for the session was Mr. Rajesh Dandotiya, Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police Crime Branch, Indore. Session was taken in a way to help participants learn the basics of cyber security. During the session, Mr. Dhandotiya guided students through a different real case which was encountered in different parts of India. Main objective to organize this session was to make students aware about various types of cyber attacks and to guide them to be take preventive measures so that students do not get trapped in any type of cyber crime.

How to Crack Google

Expert lecture was organized for the students of III year on “How to Crack Google”. Resource person for the same was Mr. Mahendra Chouhan (Software Engineer and Full Stack Developer, Google). The session aimed to equip participants with essential strategies, skills, and insights necessary to pursue career opportunities at Google, one of the world’s leading technology companies. The primary objectives of the session were to provide an overview of Google’s company culture, values, and expectations from candidates; to offer insights into the recruitment process at Google, including resume preparation, interview techniques, and assessment criteria; to equip participants with technical and non-technical skills required to succeed in Google’s competitive hiring environment; to share tips and strategies from successful Google employees and industry experts. By the end of the session, participants gained a clear understanding of Google’s recruitment process and what it takes to stand out as a candidate.


FDP on research methodology was organized for faculties of IIST. Resource person for the same were Mr. Rakesh Soni, Dr. Shweta Agrwal, Dr. Richa Gupta, Dr. Puneet Duggal, Dr. Veena Dadhwani. The FDP aimed to equip participants with essential skills, knowledge, and techniques required to conduct high-quality research across various disciplines. The primary objectives of the FDP were to familiarize participants with the fundamentals of research methodology and its significance in academic and professional contexts; to provide an overview of different research paradigms, methods, and approaches; to enhance participant’s understanding of research design, sampling techniques, data collection methods, and analysis procedures; to discuss ethical considerations in research and principles of academic integrity and to empower participants to apply research methodology effectively in their respective fields of expertise.

Pre Kavach (Internal Hackathon)

The Pre Kavach Hackathon of IIST was conducted on 1 April 2023. On 27 March a brief about the Pre Kavach Hackathon was given.  Briefing was given in offline mode and Pre Kavach was online. There were idea presentations from 28 teams. The idea-cum-team selection was conducted by a panel of 3 Judges during the Internal Hackathon and the judgment was solely based on the Ideas [that were presented by prospective team in prescribed format. It was suggested that student teams should invest sufficient time in conceptualization of the solution to the stated problem statements  and create the idea document for submission. Team registrations started from 24 March to 31 March 2023. Evaluation parameters were Relevance of Problem and Solution, Feasibility of Solution and Sustainability. Total 28 Teams participated.


Training titled “PY-Tech:AIML and IoT” was organized for the students of AIML and IoT. Resource person for the same was Mr. Shivang Trivedi. He gave training on ‘Python programming’ from scratch and explained various concepts related with fundamentals of python programming. This comprehensive training program was designed to equip participants with essential skills and knowledge in Python, covering both fundamental concepts and advanced topics crucial for proficiency in this versatile programming language.

Upon completion of the training, participants demonstrated proficiency in writing Python programs from scratch, applying Python for data manipulation and analysis, implementing OOP principles effectively in Python projects, utilizing advanced Python features to enhance code efficiency and readability, solving complex problems using Python’s diverse libraries and tools. Participants are now well-prepared to apply Python effectively in their professional endeavours, leveraging its capabilities to solve real-world problems and contribute meaningfully to their organizations.

Urban Infrastructure and vision

An expert lecture on Urban Infrastructure and Vision was organized for students of II-year IoT, AIML and Civil Engineering. Resource person for the same was Mr. P.K Saini (Chief Ex. Engineer, Gwalior Smart City Project ). The main aim of the expert talk was to make the participants aware about the development and government plan about the urban infrastructure and vision.

In the talk Mr. Pawan spoke about the structure plan for the development of smart city. In his talk he also focused on the technology which is imbibed with a smart plan for the development of the city. He spoke and showed the video and prototypes of the deployment of the civil work and the computer devices installation for consideration of smart city development. At last, he showed about the development of the future and effort for the upcoming area and city where the government would be focused effectively.

. Workshop on Problem Solving

Workshop on Problem Solving and Ideation was organized for students of AIML and IoT. Experts for the same were Dr. Shweta Agrawal, Mr. Shivang Trivedi and Mr. Ganesh Patidar. The aim of the workshop was to enhance participants’ problem-solving skills and foster creative thinking in the context of emerging technologies.

During the workshop, experienced instructors guided students through a comprehensive introduction to Python, including the syntax, data structures, and built-in functions of the language. This workshop equipped participants with essential skills and fostering a collaborative learning environment. Feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the practical relevance and applicability of the workshop content to their academic and professional pursuits in AIML and IoT

State Of The Art Lab Infrastructure

Dot Net Lab
Android Lab
Java Lab
IoT Lab
Android Lab
iOS Lab
Programming & Data Structures
Microsoft Imagine Academy
Network Simulation Lab
Data Analytics Lab
Web Development Lab
Red Hat Lab
Amazon Web Services Academy
Angular and Node JS Lab